Assessment of Nurses' Performance Regarding Nursing Documentation in Pediatric Wards at Mosul Hospitals
Background: Nursing documentation should have desirable and comprehensive conditions, in a way that it results in acceding to documentation goals, such as communication, educational, research, monitoring and evaluation goals of the health system and obtaining necessary information on patients based on proper principles, Additionally, desirable documentation should have accurate information on nursing examinations, patient problems, caring plans, daily progress course, educational plans and discharge plan.
Objectives: To determine the to assess of Nurses' Performance Regarding Nursing Documentation in Pediatric Wards at Mosul Hospitals.
Methods: A simple random sample with probability of 60 sample was conducted to assess of Nurses' Performance Regarding Nursing Documentation in Pediatric Wards at Mosul Hospitals. The information used in this study was acquired by a questionnaire that have three sections: section I, which describes the employees socio-economic demographic characteristics features as(age, gender, level of educational, and Have you participated in training courses), section II :Related to Nurses' knowledge Regarding Nursing Documentation in Pediatric Wards at Mosul Hospitals and the section III, includes Nurses' practice Regarding Nursing Documentation in Pediatric Wards at Mosul Hospitals. Data is analyzed using the "Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software for Windows (Version 26)"
Results: This finding the show nurses participating in the study were of the age of (30-34), with a percentage of about 35%. Likewise, women were more involved in the study 60%.While the highest cultural level were graduates of School Nursing 40%, 53% of the sample did not have any training course specializing in nursing documentation.
Conclusion: This study concluded that the Nurses Knowledge and practice towards of nursing documentation was poor.
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