Women Toxoplasmosis Relationship with Miscarriage in Najaf City

Ahmed Khudair Abbas (1) , Zainab Ibrahim Ahmad (2) , Zahraa Mohammed Reda (3) , Hind Ashour Khalaf (4) , Jrow Ghafar Abdullah (5) , Istabraq Muhammad Abbas (6)
(1) Al-Rashid University College, Department of Biology, Iraq. , Iraq
(2) Samarra University, Faculty of Applied Science, Department of pathological analyzes, Iraq. , Iraq
(3) University of Kufa, Department of Biology, Iraq. , Iraq
(4) Thi-Qar University, Department of Pathological Analysis, Iraq. , Iraq
(5) Sulaymaniyah University, Department of Biology, Iraq. , Iraq
(6) Thi-Qar University, College of Science, Pathological analysis, Iraq. , Iraq


Toxoplasmosis is caused by a protozoan parasite, classified as an intracellular coccidian that can be found in homoiothermic animals (including humans) dried cat feces, contaminated soil or contaminated water and raw or under - cooked meat containing infective tissue cysts. Infection with the parasite T. gondii causes serious public health problems and is of great economic importance worldwide. The incidence of Toxoplasma gondii infection among women with a history of abortion was found to be high (80.6%) and this may be due to the multiple source of infection and insufficient treatment.

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Ahmed Khudair Abbas
Zainab Ibrahim Ahmad
Zahraa Mohammed Reda
Hind Ashour Khalaf
Jrow Ghafar Abdullah
Istabraq Muhammad Abbas
Abbas , A. K., Ahmad , Z. I. ., Reda, Z. M. ., Khalaf, H. A. ., Abdullah, J. G. ., & Abbas, I. M. . (2023). Women Toxoplasmosis Relationship with Miscarriage in Najaf City. Journal of Current Medical Research and Opinion, 6(11), 1843–1848. https://doi.org/10.52845/CMRO/2023/6-11-5

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