The Role of Staphylococcus Aureus in Food Poisoning

Mustafa Nabeel Malallah (1) , Hussain falah hussain (2) , Ghufran sadoon hameed (3) , Ghada shukry Mahmoud (4) , Jaafar Falih Arian Butti (5) , Hawraa jaafar khadim (6) , Maysam kadhim hasan (7) , Ahmed Alaauldeen Shamsuldeen khalis (8)
(1) University of mosul, college of science, chemistry department, Iraq , Iraq
(2) University of mosul , college of science , chemistry department, Iraq , Iraq
(3) University of almustansirya, college of science, chemistry department, Iraq , Iraq
(4) University of Kirkuk, physics department, Iraq , Iraq
(5) Al-Muthanna University, College of Science, Department of Environment and Pollution, Iraq , Iraq
(6) University of Thi-Qar , College of Science , Department of pathological analysis, Iraq , Iraq
(7) University of Babylon, College of science, Chemistry department, Iraq , Guadeloupe
(8) Kirkuk University, Collage of science, Biology Department, Iraq , Iraq


Staph. aureus is an opportunistic pathogen. It is the most Common in skin and soft tissue. This microbe can cause more diseases, for Example: burn inflammation and tonsillitis through the production of virulence factors that are acquired by some plamidic virulence genes.


Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is a Gram-positive bacterium that is carried by about one third of the general population and is responsible for common and serious diseases. These diseases include food poisoning and toxic shock syndrome, which are caused by exotoxins produced by S. aureus. Of the more than 20 Staphylococcal enterotoxins, SEA and SEB are the best characterized and are also regarded as superantigens because of their ability to bind to class II MHC molecules on antigen presenting cells and stimulate large populations of T cells that share variable regions on the chain of the T cell receptor. The result of this massive T cell activation is a cytokine bolus leading to an acute toxic shock. These proteins are highly resistant to denaturation, which allows them to remain intact in contaminated food and trigger disease outbreaks. A recognized problem is the emergence of multi-drug resistant strains of S. aureus and these are a concern in the clinical setting as they are common cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhea in hospitalized patientPoisoning

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Mustafa Nabeel Malallah
Hussain falah hussain
Ghufran sadoon hameed
Ghada shukry Mahmoud
Jaafar Falih Arian Butti
Hawraa jaafar khadim
Maysam kadhim hasan
Ahmed Alaauldeen Shamsuldeen khalis
Malallah, M. N. ., hussain, H. falah ., hameed, G. sadoon ., Mahmoud, G. shukry ., Butti, J. F. A. ., khadim, H. jaafar ., hasan, M. kadhim ., & Shamsuldeen khalis, A. A. . (2023). The Role of Staphylococcus Aureus in Food Poisoning. Journal of Current Medical Research and Opinion, 6(10), 1791–1800.

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