A A Systematic Review on Impact of Edentulism on Nutritional Status of Eldrly Adults as Compared to Dentulous Adults Edentulism and nutritional status

Dr Priyanka V Sutariya (1) , Dr Shruti P Mehta (2) , Dr.Hitendra Shah (3) , Dr.Viraj Shah (4) , Dr.VinitaKaria (5) , Dr.Tanvi Goyal (6)
(4) , India
(5) , India
(6) , India



Background: Age related changes in oral structures and nutritional deficiencies cause difficulties in wearing complete dentures amongst elderly adults

Objective: To identify the impact of edentulism on nutritional status of eldrly adults.

Methodology: To conduct the present study, information of existing literature are collected from textbooks, printed journals, and electronic databases such as pubmed, scopus, and science direct.

Result: Prevalence of malnutrition rises with an increase in age. Edentulous subjects more likely to report trouble in chewing their food as compared to dentulous subjects. Edentulous subjects had significantly lower intake of calories, protein, carbohydrate, fibres, vitamins A, C,B1, and B6 . Intake of calcium and protein was lower in women with dentures than in dentate women. Compromised oral functional status was associated with lower serum albumin levels and lower BMI in functionally dependent elderly people.

Conclusion: There is good quality evidence that edentulism is associated with poor diet and compromised nutrition.Although the majority of the studies cited here have not established a cause and effect relationship, results from Sheiham and others. However, more longitudinal studies on this topic are required to further understand the potential role of nutrition in the prevention of age related changes and reduce the failure of complete denture treatment in elderly adults.

Keywords:Aging, Complete Denture, Elderly adults, Nutritional Assessment, Nutrition.


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Dr Priyanka V Sutariya
drpri_vaibhav@yahoo.co.in (Primary Contact)
Dr Shruti P Mehta
Dr.Hitendra Shah
Dr.Viraj Shah
Dr.Tanvi Goyal
SUTARIYA, P., Mehta, D. S., Shah, D., Shah, D. ., Karia, D., & Goyal, D. . (2020). A A Systematic Review on Impact of Edentulism on Nutritional Status of Eldrly Adults as Compared to Dentulous Adults: Edentulism and nutritional status. Journal of Current Medical Research and Opinion, 3(11), 739–748. https://doi.org/10.15520/jcmro.v3i11.368
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