Specific Chemotherapy Treatments for Patients with Ovarian Endodermal Sinus Tumors

Jiménez-Báez Maria Valeria (1) , Maravilla-Ulloa Ilinova (2) , Rojas-López Brenda Michelle (3) , Quiroz-Valdes Berenice de Jesús (4) , Chavez-Hernández María Margarita (5) , Sandoval-Jurado L (6) , Enrique Leobardo Ureña Bogarín (7) , Irma Archundia Riveros (8)
(1) Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Delegación Quintana Roo. Grupo de Investigación Clínica del IMSS en Quintana Roo (GRICIQ).Teacher School of Medicine, Universidad Anáhuac Cancún , Mexico
(2) Teacher School of Medicine, Universidad Anáhuac Cancún , Mexico
(3) Student School of Medicine, Universidad Anáhuac Cancún , Mexico
(4) Student School of Medicine, Universidad Anáhuac Cancún , Mexico
(5) Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Delegación Quintana Roo. Grupo de Investigación Clínica del IMSS en Quintana Roo (GRICIQ) , Mexico
(6) Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Delegación Quintana Roo. Grupo de Investigación Clínica del IMSS en Quintana Roo (GRICIQ) , Mexico
(7) Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Delegación Quintana Roo. Grupo de Investigación Clínica del IMSS en Quintana Roo (GRICIQ) , Mexico
(8) Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Delegación Quintana Roo. Grupo de Investigación Clínica del IMSS en Quintana Roo (GRICIQ) , Mexico


Ovarian endodermal sinus tumors are a neoplasm of germinal origin derived from the primordial cells that during their migration from the caudal area to the gonadal region undergo mutations that progress to become malignant cells that proliferate constantly. Appearance is unilateral; it is considered the germinal tumor with the highest malignancy rate. (20%) Early diagnosis could increase patient survival. An exploratory investigation included the five last years in the pubmed, science, and Cochrane was carried out to evaluate the evidence of the diagnosis and / or treatment of these tumors. It was found that mortality is due to delayed diagnosis and ineffective treatment. It is necessary to determine the chemotherapy treatments that effectively attack this type of neoplastic cells, which behave differently from other types of tumors.

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Jiménez-Báez Maria Valeria
Maravilla-Ulloa Ilinova
Rojas-López Brenda Michelle
Quiroz-Valdes Berenice de Jesús
Chavez-Hernández María Margarita
Sandoval-Jurado L
Enrique Leobardo Ureña Bogarín
Irma Archundia Riveros
Valeria, J.-B. M., Ilinova, M.-U., Michelle, R.-L. B., Jesús, Q.-V. B. de, Margarita, C.-H. M., L, S.-J., Bogarín, E. L. U., & Riveros, I. A. (2019). Specific Chemotherapy Treatments for Patients with Ovarian Endodermal Sinus Tumors. Journal of Current Medical Research and Opinion, 2(01), 76–79. https://doi.org/10.15520/jcmro.v2i01.118
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