Evaluation of Knowledge of patients with Chronic Diseases Regarding Stroke Risk Factors and Warning Signs Knowledge of patients with Chronic Diseases Regarding Stroke Risk Factors and Warning Signs

fatima jaber (1) , Qasim A. Khasal (2)
(1) Department of Adult Nursing, College of Nursing, University of Thi-Qar, Nasiriyah City, Iraq , Iraq
(2) Department of Adult Nursing, College of Nursing, University of Thi-Qar, Nasiriyah City, Iraq , Iran, Islamic Republic of


The risk of stroke is dramatically rising in developing countries compared to developed ones. The study aimed to evaluate Knowledge of Chronic Diseases patients with regarding  Stroke risk factors and its warning signs. A descriptive study was carried out from 17th February, 2023 to 30th of January, 2024. non-probability sample of 470 patients from AL- Nasiriyah Teaching hospital, Souq Al-Shuyukh General Hospital, and Al- Shatra General Hospital was selected.

A questionnaire constructed  by the researcher to measure the variables. There were three sections on the questionnaire: demographic information, patient’s health history assessment:  as well as the knowledge of chronic diseases patients regarding Strock risk factors as well as its warning signs. A content validity determined by panel of specialists. The data analysed by descriptive besides inferential statistics. the results indicated poor knowledge of participants regarding stroke risk factors and its  warning symptoms.

The researchers concluded that the sample members in the study showed poor knowledge about stroke warning signs, and risk factors. Thus, A comprehensive and intensive evidence-based health education program is imperative to enhance stroke awareness. The Ministry of Health should utilize a health-oriented mass media strategy to enhance population knowledge and awareness of stroke.

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fatima jaber
fatima-jaber@utq.edu.iq (Primary Contact)
Qasim A. Khasal
jaber, fatima, & Khasal , Q. A. (2025). Evaluation of Knowledge of patients with Chronic Diseases Regarding Stroke Risk Factors and Warning Signs : Knowledge of patients with Chronic Diseases Regarding Stroke Risk Factors and Warning Signs . Journal of Current Medical Research and Opinion, 8(01), 3908–3915. https://doi.org/10.52845/CMRO/2025/8-1-11

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