Lifestyle of Elderly in Mosul Governorate: A Cross-Sectional Study

Nasir Muwfaq Younis (1) , Rain Mahmood Ibrahim (2) , Mahmoud Mohammed Ahmed (3)
(1) Prof, PhD .College of Nursing / University of Mosul/ IRAQ 2Assist. Lecturer. College of Nursing / University of Mosul/IRAQ , Iran, Islamic Republic of
(2) Assist. Lecturer. College of Nursing / University of Mosul/IRAQ , Iran, Islamic Republic of
(3) Assist.Prof.PhD .College of Nursing / University of Mosul/ IRAQ , Iran, Islamic Republic of


Background: older adults (94%) live independently in the community , whereas about (6%) live in institutions. The aim of the study is to assess Lifestyle of Elderly in Mosul Governorate.


Material and method: The non-experimental approach and descriptive type are used in this study . The study is applied on three hospitals (Ibn-Sena Teaching Hospital, Al-Zahrawee Teaching Hospital and Al Salm Teaching Hospital), some primary health care centers, and public clinics in Mosul City.


Results: The finding shows that there is a significant statistical interrelationship in health related Lifestyle of Elderly .


Conclusions: The study concluded that the Lifestyle of Elderly were affected by their demographic characteristic (age, sex, marital status, level of education, and type of disease).

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Nasir Muwfaq Younis
Rain Mahmood Ibrahim
Mahmoud Mohammed Ahmed
Younis, N. M., Ibrahim, R. M., & Ahmed, M. M. (2024). Lifestyle of Elderly in Mosul Governorate: A Cross-Sectional Study . Journal of Current Medical Research and Opinion, 7(09), 3515–3524.

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